主頁 > 課程歷屆學員獲獎名單


(Recipient List of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong Laity Formation Fund)

兩年制基本樂理課程 (2-Year Music Theory)

兩年制視唱訓練課程 (2-Year Aural Training)

兩年制和聲學課程 (2-Year Harmony)

兩年制指揮課程 (2-Year Conducting)

兩年制聲樂課程 (2-Year Vocal Training)

兩年制風琴課程 (2-Year Organ)

三年制對位及和聲學課程 (Counterpoint & Harmony-3 years)

三年制禮儀古典結他課程 (3-Year Liturgy Classical Guitar)

合唱指揮入門課程 (Introduction to Choir Conducting)

音樂入門 (Introduction to Music)

電子管風琴構造 (Structure of Electronic Organ)

額我略音樂 (Gregorian Chant)

拉丁文 (Latin)

禮儀風琴師課程- 基礎篇 (Liturgical organist - Foundation)
